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Ah, the origin of life! A dark mystery to some. A clear revelation to others.

For centuries scientists and philosophers have debated this most significant issue on earth – life. If there were no life on earth there would be nothing significant about earth. What makes earth unique, singularly exclusive, and exceptionally unusual in our planetary array is the fact that it is filled with an abundance of life. Life in the heavens. Life in the waters. Life on the lands. Billions of dynamic living organisms and creatures!

Biological earth-type life has not been discovered anywhere else in the known universe. Earth remains absolute in its unique manifestation of myriads of life forms -- from single-celled amoeba sluggishly slithering in still, shallow, stagnant ponds to gargantuan sperm whales powerfully frolicking in tempestuously wild waters at astonishing depths.

But how, and from where, did these incalculable manifestations of life-forms originate? For millennia two opposing schools of thoughts have prevailed among philosophers, scientists, academics, and quasi-theologians.

Originally mankind believed in a universe created by an intelligent, inventive, Creator God. Could Adam have argued with his Creator about the origin of his species? The prophet Moses --- educated in the courts of Pharaoh in the greatest civilization of the age, among priests and professors, mathematicians and magicians --- received, beyond his superb education in the totality of available human wisdom and knowledge, a divine revelation from Yehovah, the Eternally Living God of Israel.

He recorded by inspiration and under Godly guidance what was known to all men from creation: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth … And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good ... And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good … And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” [Selections from Gen 1:1; 21-26. Emphases added throughout.]

From the beginning God created. And from the beginning man believed God was the Creator. And Moses affirmed and re-established this truth for mankind in the Genesis account.

Then, man, in his human, Satan-inspired perversity [James 3], and desire to free himself intellectually, socially, spiritually, economically, and morally from the love and rule of a law-motivated and law-keeping God, developed a system of “moral liberation”.

Man initiated, with Satanic motivation, a re-genesis of his own destiny; a destiny ending in the drowning of billions of wretched, rebellious, sin-sick, morally and mentally warped, spiritually and psychologically perverted, hate-filled miscreants that traversed the earth with machete, mace, sword and spear in vengeful violence, robbing, killing, maiming, raping, sodomizing and cannibalizing each other in a PERVASIVE ANTEDILUVIAN WOKE ATTITUDE. As it is today so it was in the days of Noah [Luke 17:26].

Man sought to be “unshackled” from all God-restraints---i.e. the LAW! Man had to be free to do as he pleased, what he pleased, and when he pleased. And, to live conscience free, self-justified, self-satisfied and self-righteous. Man had to liberate himself from the constricting belief of an omnipotent, omniscient and holy Creator God to whom he eventually would have to give account of his evil, rotten, demon-drenched lifestyle.

After the worldwide flood, Satan and his demonic minions imparted to the intelligentsia, the priesthood, the educators and the human leadership, the dumbest brilliant idea yet: “GOD IS DEAD!"

Slowly, but with intent, like their modern counterparts, our post-flood ancestors descended deeper into the dark dungeons of deception, teaching a greater heresy: "GOD NEVER EXISTED!"

This philosophic development spanned centuries. As long as Noah and Shem were still alive [they died 350 and 500 years after the flood, respectively] and the memory of the flood and God’s punishing intervention in the affairs of wicked men was still remembered and proclaimed, there still prevailed a constraining culture among pockets of God-fearing people.

Within two-and–a–half centuries this postdiluvian society produced Babel, the God-defying descendant of Ham, Nimrod [Gen 6:9], and his whorish wife, the Semitic Semiramis. From her arose a socially entrenched pagan priesthood promoting temple prostitution, infant sacrifice and priestly cannibalism. [Cahn = priest + Ba'al = Lord! Hence, cannibal.] As part of the sacred temple rites the priests fed on the infants they offered in the fire to Ba'al-Molech, their Lord!

Society was morally overthrown by the giants of rebellion and perversion like Nimrod and Semiramis. These arch-rebels were deified and immortalized in Greek and Roman mythology. They set the behavioral template for humanity in being the most libidinous, licentious, lecherous and lewd horde of reprobate, and incestuously immoral scoundrels in the cosmos!

As God intended creating man after his own spiritual image of obedience and moral purity, so Satan, too, pushed his own destructive agenda to create man after his own image of amoral defilement in rebellion.

With the true creator God religiously and educationally eliminated from the consciousness of society, the concept of the origin of life was relegated to the “forces” of dead, inert minerals.

Since "God did not exist", man reasoned, he considered himself unaccountable to a superior Creator Being. Free from all moral restraint! There is, man reasoned, no law to obey. No moral accountability. No consequences.

Similarly this inner sense of freedom expressed itself in the outward behavior of modern man and became a psychological mantra for “enlightened” evolutionists.

Aldous Huxley, mystic, essayist and novelist [Brave New World, 1932], grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley who championed Darwinian evolution, unashamedly made this startling admission: “I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning, consequently assumed it had none and … found satisfying reasons for this assumption.”

“For myself and most of my contemporaries the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation from … a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom. …there was one admirably simple method of confuting these people [creationists] and at the same time justifying ourselves … in our erotic revolt: we could deny that the world had any meaning whatsoever.”

“The chief reason for being ‘philosophical’ was that one might be free from prejudice, above all, prejudice of a sexual nature.“ [Ends and Means, p. 312, 315. Emphasis added.]

The bold, shamelessness, intellectual pride and self-will, bolstered by foolish Nimrodian bravado and spiritual defiance, was deeply entrenching the evolutionary theory within educational systems, driven by lust-laden rejection of God’s laws. The program was so successful that even Bible-believing Churchians accepted the devil's dross.

Somewhere in the region of a mere 850 years after Moses, circa 611 BC, the earliest known written reference to evolutionary development of life on earth appeared. [Conga, New Views on Evolution, p 79.]

This self-pleasing evolutionary philosophy took root in the minds of the rebellious masses. It provided, as it did for Huxley and cohorts, justification for pursuing their sexually deviant lifestyles. The scientists concocted the “spontaneous generation” theory. Suddenly, they claimed, there leapt forth from the froth of murky mud puddles---life! Life from the dead!

[“Spontaneous generation” is the ludicrous notion that life is self-generated—developed spontaneously from non-living matter. Or, more clearly: life can develop out of dead, inert, lifeless, inorganic material. This absurdly delusional idea is also called abiogenesis, the hypothetical assumption that living organisms can develop out of non-living substance.]

Ironically, scientists pretend they don’t believe in miracles? They claimed a greater miracle on a universal scale than Aaron did when justifying his descent into idolatry. After having thrown a heap of gold into a searing hot desert fire, Aaron defended his incomprehensibly stupid action with the self-justifying statement: “There came out this calf!” [Ex 32: 24].

Evolutionary scientists want us to believe that like Aaron’s golden calf, “There came out this, life!” Life just generated spontaneously!

Aaron, at least, wasn’t so stupid as to claim that the calf was imbued with life! It was still just inert gold. But the idea of life in the idol was magically transmogrified from the dead image to the lust-laden hearts of the sex-crazed Israelites.

For this very same reason---sexual self-satisfaction sans marriage---evolutionary scientists' belief in the miraculous supersedes Aaron’s stupid belief in a spontaneous, mystically manifested idol by claiming: “There came out this life, from this mud—from this primordial soup!" Who is really superstitious and believe in miraculous manifestations!?

The “Descent of Man” [What an appropriate double-entendre! And, oxymoronic. More appropriately, perhaps, would have been, “The Ascent of Man”—rising from Amoeba to Homo sapiens?] Irrespective, the so-called “Origin of Species” and its natural sequel “The Descent of Man” gave sin-prone man the excuse to revel in moral debauchery, without conscience.

Darwin was set to become a medical doctor. He lasted only two years in medical school. Why? Says Jacob Goldstein: “The screams of the strapped-down child amid the blood and sawdust of the Edinburgh operating theatre were too much for the sickened student [Darwin], who fled from the room, vowing never to return. He … headed down to Cambridge to study theology, a field where the blood tends to be metaphorical.” [The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 12, 2009.]

The sickly and perpetually depressed Darwin, in constant care of his wife, was not the first to develop the evolutionary philosophy. He simply continued the Godless ideas of pagan philosophers from centuries before.

Long before the birth of Christ the Greek and Roman philosophers developed the Godless theory of autogenesis, or self-generating life. Darwin’s view that “the origin and evolution of life were the result of chemical and physical forces, obeying natural laws" [Goldstein, ibid] served as the speculative basis of spontaneous development of life and its natural progression into evolution.

In 50 B.C. Diodorus of Sicily wrote concerning the Roman view of the origin of life as follows: “When in the beginning the universe was being formed … [How? By whom? He does not elucidate!] “…their bodies [the stars and planets] separated from one another…” So the Big Bang Theory is not new either.

Georges Lemaître [1894-1966]--–a celibate Roman Catholic priest---fathered the Big Bang Theory. He suggested that the entire universe, spanning thousands of light years across space, “filled” with unfathomable numbers of suns, planets, moons, at incalculable sizes and weight, sprung from the explosion of one single atomic particle!!! Talk about scientists not believing in miracles! He should have stuck to his theology, even as perversely defective as that was.

As an aside: If the Roman Catholic Church still had the power to call on their favorite conversion strategy, the Inquisition, dear Georgie and a cosmic load full of scientists, would have undergone auto-da-fe — trial and execution by fire for heresy!

To continue with Diodorus: “Now at the first origin of mankind two opinions have arisen among the best authorities both on nature and history. In the beginning the universe took on in all its parts the form in which it is seen today. Since its surface was in ferment because of the warm portion of the wet swelled upon masses in many places and in these pustules covered with delicate membranes made their appearance … and while the wet regions was being impregnated with life by reason of the warmth the living things forthwith received their nourishment from the mist…. Finally the earth was no longer able to generate any of the large animals [then] each kind of big creature was now begotten by breeding with one another.” [Diodorus, Vol I, Bk I, Ch 7, par 1-4.]

Human civilization absorbed the lies initially propagated by Satan in Eden. Eat this fruit and you will “be[come] like” God. [See Gen 18:18, 3:21, 2:10.] You will evolve upwardly and change into a godlike being. The promise of becoming or evolving into a “higher specie” is exciting, enchanting and challenging. The phantasmagorical delusion continues to this day being propagated by liberal theologians and scientists and philosophers and their academic minions.

The upward evolutionary theory became wrapped in intellectualism, sophisticated subject-unique jargon, and protected and perpetuated by clever, but deceitful, people.

This religion---for that’s what it is---a rationalized anti-God faith structure with its own belief-system, superstitions, and scholastic schemata, designed and controlled by demonic spirit rulers—“the prince of the power of the air (Satan); the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience”. Anti-God evolutionists are children of disobedience thus we may safely presume that Satan works within their minds. [“Disobedience”, Greek apeitheia, disbelief (in God) = obstinate and rebellious of mind and disposition. Ephesians 2:2.]

Satan is also called “the god of this world” (2 Cor 4:4) and as such directs and controls human affairs. Evolution is thus one of Satan’s devices for inventing and directing great schemes and undertakings, like, inter alia, “The Great Reset”, the Covid-19 Pandemic, world depopulation schemes, world economic collapses, wars and world wars, etc. etc. The human “masterminds” seconded to these tasks are essentially evolutionary oriented specialists who, at heart and in action, are “children of disobedience”, or "children of Satan". And, by doing his bidding, Satan rewards them richly!

In an effort to eradicate the belief in the existence of the Eternal God, the spirit hierarchy led some select individuals to intelligently but deceptively---as angels of light---articulate their invented [or spirit-spawned] life-origination philosophy---a philosophy so patently idiotic that it defies elementary logic, or common sense. The philosophy, or theory, or more correctly, the faith, is so preposterous and laced with so many "miracles" that it could bring every rock in the Great Wall of China to tears of laughter, were it not so tragic and monstrously evil.

Proponents of this system of life-origins developed the hypothesis that life sprang spontaneously from the dead. Evolutionary “scientists” [scientists falsely so called (1 Tim 6:20)] labelled it Spontaneous Generation. [Giving something a highfalutin name does not make it true!] The lifeless and inert suddenly—miraculously!—caused itself to come together, atom by atom, molecule by molecule, to “decide” [even though it had no brain yet!] what should join with what to form the first living cell of whatever.

Strange, dead substance can decide or determine by some undefined force or power [which came from where?] what sequence to follow and what element to employ from the Periodic Table: should it be one or more of the 14 actinides, or perhaps the 14 lanthanides next? And, in what combinations or proportions? How did these elements determine what will be their respective electropositive values and where they have to place themselves to neatly fit into an ordered sequence to form life? How and when in the “14 billion years” of evolutionary development did each element decide what its valence value would be?

Valence is the capacity of an atom or group of atoms to combine in specific proportions with other atoms or groups of atoms. Great gazooks! How did each one of over a hundred different elements decide that, ALL AT ONCE—SPONTANEOUSLY!? And that decision was made when there was no brain!! [We know that in the world of politics brainless decisions are made --- but this theory beggars belief, even on the part of the brainless.]

Yes, dead dust particles apparently decided how to combine with each other, in what sequence, and when in the timeline of "evil-ution". How did it obtain the “the capacity” before it ever had the “intelligence” to determine its valence value?

Can a brainless thing decide without a brain to give itself a brain to enable itself to have the brain capacity to decide to join with any other elements who, being also without a brain must simultaneously also give itself a brain to enable itself to have the brain capacity to decide to join with that element? Ad nauseam.

What if element H [Hydrogen] did not wish to join with element O [Oxygen], twice? This planet would have had no water! Life would then have been impossible. But, the two elements had the “capacity” [given to themselves, of course!] to join forces and “evolve” enough water to cover the oceans—all at once! And, additionally it “evolved” more water beneath earth’s mantle than contained in all the oceans! [Ever wondered where all the water came from that covered the tops of the mountains during Noah’s flood? After the flood this subterranean water returned to its sub-mantel reservoir to remain there until required after the return of Christ to refresh the earth’s oceans which had been totally polluted by man and also by the “wormwood star” from outer space, having made one third of all earth’s water “exceedingly bitter” and killing “many” people (Rev 8:11).]

Can your mind grasp that? Does it not require brain power, thought, design, order, and logical processes to arrange all these elements so precisely? Could you arrange all 100+ elements in such precise order, perfectly balanced, and harmoniously synchronized?

Back to our two questions above. If your answer to each of those two questions is “No” then can you fathom how mere single dust particles—nay, less than that, the atoms and electrons inside the dust particles!—could develop “the capacity” to do so—and that without any brainpower, without thought processes, or more significantly, without any residual teleological forces within them! [Teleology is the philosophy that all natural processes have both design and purpose. In other words, everything in nature has a purpose and is specifically designed to fulfil that purpose.]

Leon Kass, scientist, medical doctor, and philosopher, in answering his rhetoric question as to why some species have died out whilst others have survived, remarks: “Why are ... the self-maintaining and reproducing beings here at all? They are not teleological because they have survived; on the contrary, they have survived [in part] BECAUSE THEY ARE TELEOLOGICAL. Can evolutionary biology tell us why a non-teleological nature would generate and sustain teleological beings? Or why, over time, it would give rise to higher organisms, with a full range of powers of awareness, desire and action? Do we really understand what we are claiming when we accept the view that a mindless universe gave rise to mind?” [Emphasis added.]

Evolution gives us design without purpose. It is thus teleologically untenable! Small wonder that Darwin the theologian became Darwin the Agnostic. In 1856 he called God’s acts of creation “clumsy, wasteful, blundering, low, and horribly cruel works of nature”. And again: “I can see no evidence of beneficent design…” He further believed that all morality was the result of evolution. Hence, there is no supreme creator God to whom man is accountable if he murders, rapes, steals, lies, etc. Man will one day stand before the Judgment Seat of this "Force" old Charlie Darwin neatly systematized and called “evolution”!

It is soul-wearying to do battle against an impenetrable wall of ignorance and banal stupidity so amazingly pervasive among intelligent people who turned themselves into a conspiratorial brood of abject fools [as per Paul]. But let’s briefly consider a little historic background surrounding the invention, progression, structure, establishment, and intellectual development of the evolutionary hypothesis.

It was an age when Corinth was still at her prime. Babylon, as the first head of gold in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, had just made its appearance on the dissolute world scene---conquering Nineveh [612 B.C.] and sacking the holy city, Jerusalem; profaning the sacred furnishings of the Most Holy God and deporting the first wave of Judahites to Babylon [606 B.C.] among whom was the prophet Daniel and his three faithful friends destined to serve in Nebuchadnezzar’s court. It was an age when Pharaoh Necco invaded Syria, only to be vanquished by Nebuchadnezzar’s forces at Carcamesh [605 B.C.].

Concomitant to these historic dynamics, high drama in the Avant, amidst the normal international chaos, turmoil, and wars, as the prophetic first head of the prophesied “beast” appears in the world arena [625-538 B.C.], the first document on evolution is recorded [611 B.C.].

Amidst all this universal chaos and conflict the dogma of spontaneous generation was spawned. Evolution entered and the God of Creation exited from the minds of fools! More than one demon was unleashed upon the world! It was a frenzied demonic age!

But genuine scientific enquiry continued and the morally depraved found a mental and moral device, the evolutionary theory, by which they could justify their immorality. Huxley, as quoted above, succinctly articulated the thinking underlying the process.

This social and “scientific” morass that spawned evolutionary thought, was still a world of idolatrous priestly castes exploiting the pagan minions by priest-craft and superstition in sibylline shrines and sacred chambers---turning newly-wed virgins into temple prostitutes. It was still a world of grey-bearded, unkempt, wrinkled astronomers peering nightly into the mysterious indigo—observing, surveying, scrutinizing, measuring, calculating and recording the twinkles of aeons ago on wet clay tablets, vellum or papyrus. It was still a world of wise men, wizened wizards, witless witches and wailing werewolves; society still reeked of superstitions, sorcery and spells. It was still a world where merchantmen traversed deep fearful oceans seeking exotic wares and inordinate profits whilst the world of stoop-shouldered scholars and bald-headed intelligentsia traversed continents to discover “learning”---mysteries, religious secrets, holy books, and phantasmagorical delights. It was still a world of brave adventurers hunting Africa’s exotic animals, drenching the savannah with excessive blood. It was still a world of unending turmoil, constant crises, recurring socio-economic upheavals, interminable conflicts, with millions soaked in blood spilled in savage wars initiated by power hungry despots and megalomaniacs seeking to satisfy their inner cravings, bloodlust and egocentricism, while massaging their frail emotional sensitivities.

It was also the world of vain philosopher-scientists contemplating, deliberating, weighing, and classifying human and animal origins and behaviors. One such philosopher-scientist was the assiduous pupil of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great, Aristotle [384-322 BC].

Since the first known recorded document on evolution [circa 611 B.C.], the postulations about life and its origins sans God have continued, not with much more intelligence or pace. The philosopher-scientists have not become any smarter in regard to the origin of life and its natural developmental consequence—evolution.

Despite his impressive intellect the astute Aristotle was stuck in a slimy protozoan paradigm, his synapsis wholly wrapped up by millions of flagella in the autogenetic primordial soup, bound by “science falsely so called”.

Aristotle, it is averred, had “no objection to the gradual development of man from some lowly organism”. But, to be fair, he “wisely maintained an absolute agnosticism on the question.” Aristotle discussed the theory of evolution as “a mere hypothesis” in wishing to determine how man and four footed beasts could have developed. He finally “arrives at the conclusion that they must have originated from scolices.”

To us layman that may sound, coming from such a formidable mental force as Aristotle, genuinely scientifically brilliant—until we discover that a scolex [singular] is the knoblike anterior end of a tapeworm! Imagine—mankind being birthed over epochs from the end–even though it be the better end—of a tapeworm! Is that intuitive intelligence squared!? [Source:]

In sophisticated laboratories men attempt to create life out of dead, inert minerals. It has proven to be a universal waste of money and resources. But, it kept some fools in a job! Paul, having experienced the intellectual idiocy of the first-century evolutionists first hand, says they are fools. Note: “For the invisible things of him [God’s power, intelligence, design, creativity, etc.] from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools…” [Rom 1:20-22].

A forthcoming Blog will consider what may be referred to as “Technogenetics”—an evolutionary development which not only rids humanity of God but which rids earth of humanity itself!

For additional viewing, here are some useful resources explaining how science confirms creation:


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