Can Science, Philosophy and Religion Save Humanity? (Part 2)
In Part 1 we considered the “SOLUTION TO THE HUMAN PROBLEM” that evolutionary scientist, Jeremy Griffith, presented to the world with his blockbuster book FREEDOM!
We continue to reflect on the ONLY meaningful ALTERNATIVE to Griffith’s untenable “scientific solution”. Griffith does not have a solution to the disastrous state of humanity and “the world crisis”. The problem of humanity is human nature which is bound up in the corrupted coil of the spirit of man.
In Job we read that forgers of lies are worthless healers [Job 13:4]. The point? Evolutionary science is a lie. Therefore it cannot present healing to the human spirit. Healing of the sick spiritual condition of man cannot be forged on postulates of scientific deceit. God alone can heal the broken “heart”—the core of man’s being. The structurally destroyed, spiritually fragmented, emotionally damaged, morally malfunctioning, psychologically disturbed, mentally unwell, diseased inner core of man needs a change, a transformation, a renewal—a “new heart”, not an old heart remodelled. (cf. Ps 147:3.) And that healing follows a repentant heart [Is 6:10, Jer 3:22]. Being sick and sorry for our sins [repentance] is the core quality that ensures soul transformation—a return to the “pre-apple” episode; a willing acceptance of the morally upright and decent, LAW abiding state of man—the man who patiently endures in keeping ALL the commandments of God [Rev 14:12]. This is known scripturally as repentance and conversion [Acts 3:19].
Man will not change of his own volition no matter how many bonobo apes are placed in front of his sin-scarred and marred visage. It is the spiritual essence, the spiritual core construct of man that needs to undergo a total regeneration; a rebirth to turn him into a “new Man”. This process COMMENCES with a God-calling [John 6:44, 65]. It can NOT commence nor continue to a successful conclusion [eternal life in the Kingdom of God] by any man out of his own free will deciding to “accept Jesus” to be “saved”. “No man can come unto me except the Father draws him!” Salvation is a GIFT of God and starts with God giving the gift, not by any man grasping the gift.
The regeneration process continues like the generation process of a baby in a mother’s womb. A child is not birthed at conception. Likewise no Christian is “born again” upon acceptance of Christ as Savior. That’s just the start of a spiritual “gestation period”. Birth into the family of God occurs after a successful maturation process within the “womb” of “the mother of us all”, the New Jerusalem, a type of the body of Christ. It staggers the logical mind and intellect of right thinking people to attempt to equate this process, which takes place within the spirit-God dimension, with a group of ape psychologists attempting to regressively instill bonobo behavior in man by means of strategic social manipulation. Not all of us wish to go ape!
Our role model to the “New Man”—into peace and harmony, prosperity and health—is Christ. Paul explains: “[I]f any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things [the old wretched, unholy, wicked nature and behaviours] are passed away; behold, all things [even the heart] are become new [2 Cor 5:17]. He further states in Col 3:10 “… the new man… is renewed in knowledge after the image of [Christ] that created him.”
The old things—behaviours—and knowledge about bonobo apes cannot serve as an image, a model, a paradigm by which to improve the nature and actions of mankind. Dressing a savage in an Armani suit doesn’t make him civilized.
“Critically diseased human nature” is rooted in the spiritual component within the soul of man. It thus requires the addition of a strong spirit element to ameliorate and finally rid the human spirit---COMPLETELY---of its diseased nature; its sick soul.
The most ancient book in the bible records the words of a sagacious young friend of a righteous living, but nonetheless, suffering Job. He commences to resolve the confusing theodicic conundrum Job’s “counsellors” wrestled with when he states:“There is a spirit in man: and the inspiration [SPIRIT] of the Almighty gives them understanding. Great men are not always wise …” [32:8-9a].
TWO profound truths which may shock and offend the reason and senses of “scientists” emerge from Elihu’s insightful observation:
1) The SPIRIT in man requires the addition of the SPIRIT of God to become wise. The added God-dimension, spiritually generated strength, power and divine energy, will unleash man’s spirit from his crippling and catastrophic self-inflicting corruption and eventual doom. MAN GAINS TRUE INSIGHT, WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING—TRUE FREEDOM—ONLY THROUGH WHAT GOD ADDS TO HIS SPIRIT—NOT THROUGH ADOPTING AN APE LIFESTYLE! [Read our soon coming Blog “VICTORY!” for a fuller exposition of this divine and saving mystery!]
2) Some of the most superiorly endowed, smartest, most illustrious and talented people are not “always wise”. The ex-academia approval Griffith mustered for his thesis [Prosen, et al.], and cognoscente like Sir Laurens van der Post, simply means that the aggregate amounts to a collective of God-defined fools. Scripture states: “The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ Corrupt are they [precisely what Griffith posits!] and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good. God looked down from heaven … to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. Every one of them is gone back [from God]: they are altogether become filthy [morally corrupt]; there is none that doeth good, no, not one [Ps 53:1-3].
These greats of human society, which Griffith correctly defines as being part of the “human condition” and by his own definition as part of the “corrupt” specie, are unwise, imprudent, and even absurd in their deductive processes. Seeking to build a moral house [the perfect human] on an immoral foundation [the evolutionary fallacy] will cause the desired product to crack, collapse and crumble. Jeremy Griffith’s house of salvation is built on the weakest of "scientific" foundations imaginable! Thus it is already crushed and crumpled—destined for the gargantuan trash-heap of human ideologies.
Ezekiel 18:31 explains, inter alia, “Cast away from you all your transgressions [SINS, transgression of the moral law of God] whereby you have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will you die?”
The human race will soon be obliterated from the face of this polluted planet, unless a universal renewal of heart through the spirit of God enters the willing souls of cooperating [obedient] and submissive humans. But right to the very end of the current era of human life, man will resist the truth, will self-justifyingly argue, will scientifically debate, and ultimately engage God Himself in a literal war!
Rev 17:14 “These [the one religious-political world government now being formed among world leaders] shall make war with the Lamb [the returning Christ] and the Lamb shall overcome them….”
Christ is coming to resolve the great spiritual malady of man. He will provide the means to a renewed heart and a renewed world order subject to the rule of God’s eternal moral laws, the Ten Commandments.
No baboon will serve as the role-model. There will be only one model to imitate and revere, the Son of the Almighty Father, Christ, Savior of the shattered spirits of all men. Griffith's "FREEDOM" PHILOSOPHY directly challenges the true freedom that only God can give humanity. For, as it is stated in 2 Corinthians 3:18:: "Where the SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS there is FREEDOM!"
The fanciful notion that healing our corrupt and spiritually distorted species after the model of black bonobo baboons is a mystery stratospherically superseding Griffith’s openly confessed “greatest mystery in biology”! Scientist Griffith, like another self-congratulatory “scientist” who deluded humanity and became responsible for millions of deaths, simply adds another delusionary hope in the ailing, aching, and agonizing heart of man.
Whilst attempting to eschew any argumentum ad hominem we make two final observations: 1) Since Jeremy Griffith decided that he, the scientist, can deliver man from his corrupt state to save humanity—a thing only God can do—we thought it only fair that the word of God should have some small responsive voice in the public domain in defence of MAN’S ETERNAL SPIRITUAL FREEDOM while debunking Griffith’s deluded deliberations and 2) Since it is evident that we live in a society intolerant of a Supernatural Being to whom ALL will eventually bow to give account, this IMPERFECT civilization created by man’s own perverse GOD-REJECTING SPIRIT, seeks to create a god which demands no accountability; a god beholden to its human creators; a god which can be manipulated according to the whim and wish of the ruling oligarchic, philosophic and scientific elite; a god whose values and mores will change according to the delusions of the new world religio-politico agendas; a god who will kill whom it wishes, when it wishes, how it wishes, and as many as it wishes; a god that functions in the fictional-cum-real world of a spiritually revolting society.
To fully justify the creation and perpetuation of an aberrational antinomian society man must rule his own gods by developing a philosophy of “meaninglessness” [Huxley].
The perverse, obdurate, irrational, deviant, rebellious, wicked, vicious, and self-indulgent WORLD SPIRIT and conspiratorial cabal, happy to be married to devils and demons, is currently systemically crafting a pathological world, reflecting the PASSIONS of the ruled and the rulers. It will gratify the senses of the most depraved and satisfy the highly horrifying extremes of human eccentricities. The new world system will appeal to the deviant, the anarchistic, and liberal oddballs who are happy with, and flourish in, Griffith’s Human Condition. Man-aberrant reflects the God-abhorrent!
While Science floundered, we need to ask: Has Philosophy or Theology [Religion] ever created and designed a practical solution, a redemptive intervention, and a process of deliverance for the corrupt and bent spirit in man? Has any philosophy or religion invented a spirit-based hypothesis or practicum that would fundamentally change the inner core, the essence of the human psyche—the spirit in man—that would ensure and secure eternal deliverance and salvation to the wayward, corrupted, frenzied and possessed human soul? Are there any “redeeming, reconciling and transforming” power inherent in the Griffith paradigm? Can financial forces, the World Economic Resources, all intellectual and academic brilliance, masterful curricula, religion or philosophy, or even ape psychology (!), save our civilization from the “Human Condition”?
As indicated before: Observing and imitating ape-behavior is not going to change the human heart. The heart of man is changed from INSIDE by the spirit in man working in conjunction with the inworking power of the Holy Spirit of God. External observation of ape antics will change nothing and solve not a single human problem!
As the Latin would have it: “Ab intra”, from within—not “ab extra”, from without. That’s the only way to save the world, by having the Father create within us a new heart, a new spirit [Ps 51], so that we can become “alter idem”—precisely similar—to Christ. [Read and reflect upon 1Cor 15:49, 2Cor 3:18, and Col 3:10.] As His divine brothers, granted eternal life with King-Priestly authority [Rev 5:10], we shall reign and deliver a sick humanity from its looming destruction.
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For further insights read Part 3 of “Can Science, Philosophy and Religion Save Humanity?”
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