Did Christ Relinquish Ownership Of The Sabbath Day?
CHRIST SAID: "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath" [Mark 2:27-28].
This is a powerfully controversial statement. For the Jews it is blasphemous for they consider Christ a bastard from a fornicating mother. ["Then said they (some disbelieving Jews) to him, We be not born of fornication" (John 8:41).] For the Churchians it is totally meaningless having arrogantly presumed they have the power to reassign Christ to be "Lord of Sunday!"
Let's analyze this declaration of Christ. Firstly, he states: “The Sabbath was made for man..." [Gr: anthropos, human beings, that is, for all people of every nation, not just for some people of one nation!].
Christ continues: "... and not man for the Sabbath: Therefore [since the Sabbath is part of creation, a creation “made” by the Eternal Father through Christ (Eph 3:9, Col 1:16, Rev 4:11)] "the son of man [Christ] is Lord [Master, Owner] also of the Sabbath."
Acting on the authority of the Eternal Father, Christ by His own submissive will executed the divine creative plan as predetermined by the Godhead in ages past. Christ understood that eventually all power in the universe will be given to Him [Mat 28:18] to fully execute the will of the Father; ultimately to surrender all creation, power and authority to his Father. The overarching divine objective being to finally have every tongue confess that "Jeshua the Messiah is Master", to the glory of God the Father [Phil 2:11].
As fully empowered executor of the divine will and creator of all things in the universe, Christ claims full ownership of the Sabbath as its maker and master. [See Gen. 2:1-3, Mark 2:22-28, Col 1:16, 1 Cor. 8:6, 1 Cor 15:24.] Christ is unequivocally dogmatic about the fact that He owns the Sabbath.
Christ made the Sabbath day as He made all things on the preceding six days so that He is “Lord also of the Sabbath”. As He is maker and master [Lord] of the universe so He is ALSO of the Sabbath.
As He made the visible universe to permanently occupy space in the expanse of space-eternal so He made the invisible seventh day to cyclically occupy time in the continuum of time-eternal. [Jn 20:17, Eph 1:17, Phil 2:11.]
Since Christ is “Lord [owner] also of the Sabbath”, acknowledging [confessing] Him as such is to the glory of the Father. And what does He say about that glory?
“I am the YEHOVAH: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another…” [Isa 42:8, Ps 106:20]. Further: “The heavens [creation] declare the glory of God… and all the people see His glory” [Ps19:1; Ps 97:6].
Yehovah will never surrender His heavenly creation-glory as seen by all humanity every day. His eternal ownership over creation and His glory – the Sabbath day being part of that creation and glory – He will never relinquish! He will never give up one part of His creation.
The Sabbath being the final part of the creation week is the concluding element of His glorious creation which He will never give up.
It would be the moral equivalent of giving up ownership of other parts of creation! Unthinkable!! [Except, of course, if you are the papacy or one of its many half-protesting and semi-reformed daughters still clinging to papa’s crimson doctrinal vestments…]
Notice the additional declaration in Is 42:8b: “…neither [will I give] my praise to graven images.” These graven images are inert material objects – crosses, carvings, engravings, figurines, pictures, sculptures, statues, and symbols, placed in churches, temples and cathedrals, hung around necks and depicted in bibles and “Christian” story books. These idolatrous symbols represent demons and false doctrines. [Read the additional note on Idolatry at the bottom of this article.]
No man or group, however organized, can ever remove God’s glory from anything upon which He placed it. As evolutionists seek to wrest from God the glory of his creation so “theologians” wrest from Him the glory He assigned to His Sabbath. He has never granted such power to anybody. Nobody can remove the glory--the sacredness, the holiness--He assigned to the Sabbath day.
Exodus 20:8 states, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." We can only keep holy what the Almighty Creator made holy. He has NEVER made Sunday holy! Vainglorious humans in long crimson togas have presumed to dictate to the Eternal Creator which day his church should revere as "holy".
Ironically it is precisely those organizations who revel in their iconography, their graven images, that boast of their demon doctrines and so-called authority to “change the Sabbath to Sunday” [an inanely ridiculous absurdity] who have done so. What foolishness to ostensibly remove the creative glory of God’s Sabbath by decoupling it from the creation week and from His worship by insisting Christ abolished it.
Christ would not relinquish ownership of any part of His creation and the glory attached thereto to accommodate the deviant doctrines of idol-honoring ecclesiastics!
Clergy who, with full knowledge of the clear teachings of scripture, presume to dislodge or remove the Sabbath day from the Creator’s creation glory, deceiving people to think that the Sabbath day has been “replaced” with the pagan Sunday, have willfully, as the foes of God, placed themselves on a trajectory to eternal damnation! [Heb 10:26-27.]
Christ said to the bible teachers and ministers of His day: "If you were blind, you should have no sin: but now you say, We see; therefore your sin remains" [John 9:41].
Ecclesiastics, as the evolutionists, have for centuries launched an adulterated onslaught against the Eternal and his creative glory as vested, inter alia, in the Sabbath. They have impugned His holiness and the glory He placed upon His Sabbath creation.
To restate the principle: Creation declares God’s glory. The Sabbath is part of the creation. Thus the Sabbath also declares His creation-glory. This being the case we rhetorically ask: On what basis did the Churchian "fathers" – catholic, reformed or protestant -- assume they had the power to disdainfully dismiss the Sabbath, particularly since it forms part of the honor and glory of the Eternal Creator?
The Sabbath forms the seventh component of the creation week and as such manifests (as do the previous creation days) part of God’s creative glory. That glory, or honor, established by his ownership over all of creation – including the Sabbath – He will never relinquish! That would be equivalent to giving up part of his eternal Godhood! Recall, it’s the Sabbath day. It’s a specific day in creation that God made. The Sabbath day is not any seventh portion of the week, it’s a specific day in the week – the seventh day.
Churchian authorities have through two millennia, to their own peril, presumptuously appointed unto themselves their own “sacred” day by spurning God’s glory conferred upon the Sabbath day. This matter is so important to the Eternal that He repeats in Is 48:11: “My glory I will not give to another.” Yet, boldly self-empowered ecclesiastics conceitedly take his glory to vicariously assign it to their own “sacred” commemorative day, the so-called "Lord's Day!"
Which "Lord" is it they serve?
Consider, lastly, this highly significant statement from Christ: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" [Mat 5:17-18].
If not the smallest Hebrew letter, or an accent stroke, will be removed by the Eternal, by what authority can mere man remove a whole law -- the Sabbath -- from the decalogue?
Where do we stand, friends? Do we in any way discard the glory that belongs to the Eternal by appropriating any of His holy time unto ourselves for selfish or self-righteous purposes? Do any of us think ourselves so great, so holy, so spiritually enlightened that we can "destroy the law", and trample upon it without any serious eternal consequence?
The churches, their professors and teachers, have a GREAT DAY awaiting them, at the LAST!
IDOLATRY: Ancient and Modern
Historically Israel and the Jews have always honored demons instead of Yehovah, their covenant-God. Israel and the Jews historically sacrificed to devils, not to God! [Deut 32:17.]
The cessationist king, Jeroboam, “ordained…priests for the high places, and for the devils, and for the calves [idols] which He had made” [2Ch 11:15].
Israel “sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils” [Ps 106:37]. They followed pagan forms of worship, just as humanity continues to do at the close of our current “civilization”.
The Jewish nation also worshipped the idols of Manasseh king of Judah. He "made Judah also to sin with his idols" [2Kings 21:11]. His son Ammon followed suit and "he walked in all the way that his father walked in, and served the idols that his father served, and worshipped them" [2 Kings 21:21]. The Jews, according to their own records, were historically deeply enmeshed in demonology, worship of devils, and idolatry. As stated in 2 Kings 23:24 the land was riddled with "the workers with familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations" [Heb: shiqquts, abominable spititual filth].
Humanity as a whole -- all nations -- serve idols. Note Rev 9:20: “And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk."
By speaking generally and on a universal level it is easy to lose sight of the fact that for every form of idolatry, devil worship, wizardry, false doctrine, or perverse teaching there's a MAN or WOMAN spearheading and motivating it. In Israel and Judah special false priests were appointed by the rulers. Ahab had 450 Ba'al priests. Jezebel had 400 priests for Astarte, [Ishtar, Easter] the sex goddess. History reveals that every false religious system has a personal founder who cultivates followers. They are the false prophets and deceiving teachers of their age. Today it is no different. Rabbis, priests, pastors, teachers, evangelists, apostles, prophets, each with a "message from the[ir] lord", ply the airwaves with spiritual shiqquts! They offer spiritual vomit. [Read the Blog: "Are you Eating at the Wrong Table?"]
Paul revealed that “the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some [believers, Church members!] shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" [1Tim 4:1].
This scripture demolishes the outrageously bizarre and irrational doctrine of “once-saved-always-saved”! The Holy Spirit did not intimate, by anticipating Calvinism, that these fallen Churchians would return to the faith, irrespective of their dereliction! These Christians depart because devils and seducing spirits exercise powerful influence upon their minds through subtle deceptive teachings. When they "depart from the faith" they never return, Calvin notwithstanding! [See Blog: “Once Saved, Always Saved?”]
[Reviewed 19/06/2022.]