Recently a “Rabbi” Epstein, an atheist ordained by the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism was unanimously elected by Harvard University as its chief chaplain.
An atheist is acceptable, because, they said: “[We] don't look to a god for answers. We are each other's answers.” This attitude discharged by demonstrably intellectual superiority, a God-defying arrogance, and a foolhardy moral presumptuousness suggests, “We don’t need God to inform us about good and evil. We are our own moral compass."
Therefore, the supreme moral authority is not God but a body of atheistic humanists forming an academic gang of fools. [Scripture calls them fools!] Have they created their own divine conglomerated Hypostatic Union and erected a chapel dedicated to their gods Narcissus and “Our Intellect”?
The whole charade suggests that their intellectual merger forged a contemporary, cutting-edge, Occidental Ahura Mazda – source of all spiritual light and goodness! These godlings adore their own socio-spiritual machinations, reverence their ingeniously justified moralities, venerate and worship their own intellectual falsehoods and award themselves with pieces of gilt-edged wallpapers inscribed “D Phil”. They honour themselves as the highest possible authorities on morals, right living with suitably verified and validated academic credentials – of course, originated by themselves. Hence they decreed: “[We] … don’t look to a god for answers.” In reckless arrogance they have rejected and spurned the Creator God of the Universe. Of such folks Paul writes: “For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God” [Ro 10:3].
Ancient paganism, sophisticated in three-piece pin-striped suits [or these days maybe torn stone-washed jeans and evil-inscribed T-shirts?], cloaked with the philosopher’s gown, has now openly manifested itself. Having come out of the closet only recently their intellectual dross and spiritual leaven have been corrupting Judeo-Christian ecclesia and academia for millennia.
The bizarre meaninglessness of the Epstein appointment is manifest in the incongruous irony that being Jewish there is supposedly a connection with the Eternal creator of the universe via Moses and Tanak. Epstein, and Harvard University’s ruling “elite” who appointed him, obviously have no room for the Creator of the Universe in their academic aberrancy and intractable mulishness.
One of the moral objectives of the original Harvard was that “every student … [must] … consider well, the main end of his life and studies, [that] is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life."
O, how the sacred has been spurned and the holy been defiled!
What has been the impact of such academic abandonment of God-focused curricula upon secular Christianity? To what extent has academic corruption consumed the ecclesiastical sweetbreads?
Significant Upsurge in Liberal Clergy
A growing number of LGBT clergy infiltrated the leadership of churches which have – even before the hostile invasion – already bowed before the “altar of moral relativism”.
Smear “the blood of Jesus” all over an altar under a crucifix and the modern innovative spiritual brood of the Ba’al-Ishtar temple-prostituting priesthood can create miraculous deceptions! Under the guise of godly grace, divine love, these irresponsible salvation-destroying dogmatists drag their occidental Christian version of the “uncouth idol” from oriental Hinduism along a newly paved path for their ideological Juggernaut to crush – as it literally does the Puri devotees in India -- to death, spiritually.
These ideologues, accountable to none but their great commingled SPIRIT OF SELFISM, eschew right thinking and right living. They submerge their devotees in the cultural chaos and align their teachings to conform to the liberal antinomian church’s counterfeit gospel. Sexually deviant emotions serve as a matrix from which dogma is conjured up. True biblical teachings are reinterpreted; the true Jesus [Yeshua] is reshaped, demonized, jerked out of historical reality, and turned into an effeminized Greco-Roman Apollo. Sin and its eternal consequence [HELL!] is vilified and rapturously scorned. The Christologically established salvific processes and the Kingdom gospel has been sacrificed on the pagan-philosophic altars of social justice and anarchic post-modernism.
To provide insight into the significant escalation of liberal clergy – an anti-god, anti-bible, anti-nomian cabal which hijacked Churchianity [that is the anti-christ ecclesiastical assemblages], we provide a few examples of what is happening in the western world—and then we will consider the scriptural denunciation of all those who are actively promoting those evil agendas.
Recently established Evangelical Westview Lutheran Church in Boulder, Colorado, saw as its newly appointed head America’s first transgender pastor, Nicole Garcia.
The United Methodist Church [Western Jurisdiction] declared their churches a "safe harbor" for LGBTQ clergy.
Methodists in Chicago have accepted a “non-binary” Deacon who doesn't identify as either gender and prefers the pronoun "they" rather than "she" or “he”.
“The Church of England instituted renaming ceremonies for the new identities of those confused individuals who have decided to identify as the opposite sex that God made them, including young children.”
“The UK's Mirror newspaper recently featured the story of a 7-year-old child who had … 'transitioned' and the mother commented how important the church's 'rebaptism' ceremony was in affirming this change, noting that the vicar was even wearing a silk rainbow scarf in support of LGBT rights during the ceremony.”
“The [Anglican Church’s] vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the new ritual. The House of Bishops came down 30-2 in favor with two abstentions, the House of Clergy voted its assent 127-28 with 16 clergy abstaining and the House of Laity showed 127 votes in favor with only 48 in opposition and 8 more marked as abstentions.” [PNW c. August 2021.]
The Anglican Church also announced its intention to recruit transgender clerics. Other churchian organizations are sure to followed suit.
Clerics serving as forerunners of such perverse morals, satanic teaching, and demonic doctrine confuse and deceive the ignorant, ill-informed, and unsuspecting people who will follow suit. But scripture reveals they all actually love it because it provides them a conscience-free doctrine to continue in their sinful lifestyles. Note: “The prophets prophesy [teach] falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means [their priestly power or sacerdotal office], and my people love to have it so [Why? Because it’s religion without responsibility!]. And what will ye do in the end thereof?” [Jer 5:31].
That’s a question God asks of these antinomian teachers and their fleeced flocks. What will you ministers and congregants do in the end when you stand before the blazing throne of the living God?
Having played the fool with God’s grace; having abused his mercy; having spurned his truth and moral justice which hold humanity accountable for its sins – what will you do in the end thereof?
Jeremiah resumes with a shocking revelation from the Eternal himself: “... behold, the word of YHVH is unto them a reproach [Strong's H2781: the exposed pudenda – a disgraceful shame!]; they have no delight in [the word of Yehovah]...” [Jer 6:10]. Isaiah 47:3 iterated about 150 years earlier, “Thy nakedness [Strong's H6172: nudity, especially the pudenda] shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man.”
Because you have treated the word of Yehovah as a shameful THING He will treat you similarly
by exposing your nakedness, your very private parts – your secret, private life – as a shameful exhibit to the rest of the world.
However, the saddest part of it all is that these people – clergy and congregants -- have seared consciences and they know no shame! Their sinful lifestyles have been “sanctified” by decades of rationalizations and justifications and social manipulation at seminaries universities, schools, and in the judicial system. Being programmed to view evil as good and good as evil they cannot blush.
Jeremiah 6:15 “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?” [H8441: publicly performing morally disgusting and abhorrent acts like going to temples of prostitution to serve false gods.] Since the philosophical and theological groundwork has already been laid, ["by grace alone..."] it is not inappropriate to ask: How long before this pagan practice will openly be resuscitated in contemporary secular Churchianity? [We know it's practiced behind the veil in the inner sanctums--paedophilia, adultery, fornication, and sodomy are Churchian scandals as common as priestly sandals.] Jeremiah continues: “Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, says Yehovah.”
The time of the Eternal’s visitation upon those people who claim that they are “called by his name”, is coming, soon!
In the face of such perverse dereliction of duty, rejection of God’s holy standards, reckless disregard, and abandonment of truth, promotion of ruinous immorality, abandonment of decency, integrity, honour, godliness – and the open-hearted acceptance of wickedness -- is it wrong to criticize the ministers of iniquity?
Because "prophets", preachers, and priests, the predicants and the predikants, and the people who accept their irrelevant guff, theological inanities, and sanctimonious platitudes are equally responsible--thus the prophetic denouncements are equally applicable to both clergy and congregants.
The theology of “grace alone” will have further effects upon the nation, the ministers and the people.
Jeremiah 6:17 “Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.”
This depicts willful opposition to the Eternal! Ministers who teach an “alternative lifestyle” contrary to plain instructions in scripture are willfully and knowingly teaching against the Eternal and will have to bear the eternal consequences of their stubbornness and deceptive scholastic schemata--their treacherous, soul-destroying teaching and preaching.
Ministers and members will suffer the same consequences.
Ezekiel 14:10 “And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him.”
The apostle Paul writes to the congregation at Rome who was surrounded by rank idolatry and abhorrent immoral pagan practices. He states: “ …they did not like to retain God [and his laws] in their knowledge, [thus] God gave them over to a reprobate [morally worthless] mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them” [Rom 1:28-32].
There’s no distinction made between laity and leaders. Whoever revels in the doctrinally drunken debauchery and spiritual decay will eventually have to swallow it. Isa 28:7 “…the priest and the prophet have erred [spiritually] through strong drink [a biblical symbol of false doctrines, as indicated in verse 9 below], they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way [of God] through strong drink [deception that befuddles the mind and heart]; they err in vision [can’t see clearly what God requires of them, hence…] they stumble in judgment [cannot explain and render judgment in accordance with the word of God as they are supposed to do according to Lev 17:9] …”
Due to their spiritual stupor their spiritual judgments are comparable to that of drunkards who can’t walk or see straight. The spiritual vision is blurred. The mind is in a miasmic stupor and logic and sane reason has departed. Their spiritual “tables are full of vomit and filthiness [excrement], so that there is no place clean” [Isa 28:8].
Their entire teaching template is a reeking, foetid, sour, stench exuding putridity – polluted and vile with mental, psychological, and spiritual excrement and vomit. Nothing is clean in the sight of the Almighty! Their teachings are all wrapped in and infused with moral filth before the Eternal.
In the face of such spiritual debauchery Yehovah asks: “Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts [God’s truth is not for spiritual babes] … yet they would not hear” [Isa 28:9].
Why would they not hear or give heed to the Eternal’s dire warnings of punishment and excruciating punishment as outlined in the surrounding text?
Because, says Isaiah: “The word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little…” [That is confusing. The bible is not a novel with an easily unfolding historic and doctrinal timeline; the truth is scattered throughout and must be put together from the various revelations.] “… that they might go, and fall backward [hello Charismatics!], and be broken, and snared, and taken” [Isa 28:13 ff.].
This DOCTRINAL ensnarement and mental-spiritual imprisonment happen because they refused to hear and obey the laws of the Eternal. And, they become BROKEN PEOPLE! [The suicide rate amongst this segment of society is known to be the highest of all social groups.]
These modern confused false prophets have, each one of them, their own idol – the self, the BIG I, the Centre of the World…nay, the Universe! And each is imbued with the Luciferian Ego. Each has its own view, idea, philosophy, worldview, doctrinal preferences whether pagan, rooted in witchcraft, shamanism, Satanism or some medieval revivalist theology, or institutions. Whether they sought and followed the Eightfold Path or some meandering wilderness wandering through the pages of the bible presented as “The Way”; or engage in ecstatic twirling dances or fall over backwards, forwards, or sideways or entertain some other bizarre eschatologically drunken vision, each and all of them shall stand before the judgment seat of Him whom they spurn, debase, and shame with their outrageous claims to be Christ’s representatives.
However, all is not lost for any who may have wandered into the wilderness of wacky “theology” and fallen into the pits of ghastly Gomorrah. There is a loud cry uttered at Revelation 18:4, “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!!”
For any who truly consider themselves to be part of HIS PEOPLE but have been ensnared by friars, friends or family or loved ones to associate with the Divinely denounced deviancy in any manner whatsoever, the invitation remains open.
For how long?
The time-piece is on your wrist. Watch it!