God Exists – But WHY? Part 1
A HALF A CENTURY AGO, while pastoring two congregations in Cape Town, South Africa, a tall, athletic young man, a science lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch, approached me with an unusual question: “Why does God exist?”
The science faculty at Stellenbosch, as at every other secular tertiary institution around the world, was dominated by the Godless evolutionary theory. The scientific fraternity were so obsessed and enamoured with the amoeba laden mud pools from which they presumed they originated, that a lecturer who dared challenge the theory of apes in open forum, was spat upon by one of these highly educated, sophisticated, and supposedly civilized faculty members after delivering his creation challenge to evolution.
The question scientists normally pose is, “Does God exist?” But having been challenged by his fellow scientists, the young science lecturer who had already progressed beyond that elementary enquiry, having out-thought, out-reasoned and out-smarted that Potsdam philosopher, Haeckel, whose teleologically diabolical Darwinianism formulated his philosophy of meaninglessness, deceiving countless academicians and millions of unsuspecting and unthinking people who live under the delusion that “the professors know best”.
Having proven to himself by all scientific information available and sheer logic that God DOES EXIST, our young science lecturer’s enquiring mind went beyond the proven cosmic reality of the factually sustainable and logically sensible existence of the Creator to explore, philosophically, teleologically, and theologically, the reason foundational to God’s existence.
Haeckel notwithstanding, creation exists for a reason; it’s teleological. Thus, it stands to reason that if creation has a reason, then God Himself, as creator, must have a reason—a WHY—for His existence.
Being creator, God must have THE MOST meaningful raison d’etre, or reason—or WHY—for existing. His reason for existing supersedes the reason for the universe’s existence since He himself is the reason—the CAUSE—of the universe’s existence!
In my fifty years’ ministry since then, I have never encountered that question again, until this morning, when listening to a sermon by that superb scholar and Bible teacher, R. C. Sproul. The question arose almost tangentially in his lecture entitled “Eternity” [Ligonier Ministries] . This is not to imply that nobody else have asked the question in the last half-a-century. It’s just that I have not heard the question ever posed again in the last fifty years of my fifty-five-year ministry.
Sproul, however, in answering his rhetorical question, “Why does God exist?” responded with his trademark humour with a counter question thus: “Why does God exist?” Answer: “Why not?”
In asking the question, “Why does God exist?” we seek a REASON for his existence. “RC”, as he is affectionately known by colleagues and within the scholastic fraternity, does not provide a REASON for God’s existence; his counter question suggesting there is no reason why God should “not exist” merely deflects, and by implication, reaffirms God’s existence.
But Sproul humours his audience and suggests a second, “very complicated” reason for God’s existence. The complex answer proceeds thus: “Why is there a God? Because there cannot not be a God!” The reply, though true, is assumptive, i.e., that God does exist. In essence this philosophic argumentation, though acceptable from a creationist’s point of view, amounts to no more than another cleverly articulated assumptive apologetic, being based on the acceptance of the existence of the Creator.
Despite the circular reasoning, Sproul proceeds to illustrate his argument with the old clock analogy—in this case illustrated by a hymnal, a shoe, and a pair of glasses. All exists, he posits, because all had a Maker. Yes, the maker exists because the made exists. Thus, illustratively, the universe—the made—exists because it has a Maker. And the Maker exists because the made—the universe—exists. And that’s why God exists? Not really. The made simply reinforces the reality of the existence of a Maker—not the REASON for his existence. Hence, we still must discover the answer to the question: WHY does God exist?
So, why does the Maker exist? Merely to make products? NO. He exists for a reason beyond the products—beyond the made. He exists for serving the people’s need.
Why God exists it not because there’s a creation. Creation exists because God exists. But, God’s existence has reason and that reason caused him to create the universe. But WHY? What is that reason?
Risking further tautological excesses, I will, nonetheless, restate the case: This “very complicated” convoluted answer simply demonstrates, in another way, that God exists, but not why He exists. As our science lecturer’s question inferred, “I know God exists, but why?”
What is the overarching reason for the creation? Why did God decide to make the universe? God could have left everything uncreated and He would have had a trouble-free eternity! His creation brought sorrow and agony! Via the angelic host and via mankind. Hence “... the whole creation groans and travails in pain [as in birth pangs] together until now” [Romans 8:22].
Asking: “Why does God exist?” simultaneously presents the question: “Why does the universe exist?” because the universe is an expression of His Being, of His Existence. Creation provides a clear vision [being “clearly seen”] and understanding of His “eternal power and Godhead” [Rom 1:20]. Creation gives insight into the mind and motive of God.
Finding an answer to the question: “Why did God create the universe?” also reveals the reason for His own existence. It reveals the WHY of His existence, because He had to have had a reason for creating the universe, and that reason is the reason for His existence.
Ever since there was a universe to observe by any intelligent mind, the nature and intellect, the majesty and power of the Creator, was discernible; hence David exclaims: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork” [Psa 19:1].
Though this is discernible to any reasonably intelligent human being, David penetrated deeper into the creative purpose when he in awe and worshipful wonder declared: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you ordained [then I ask]: what is man, that you are mindful of him? and the son of man, that you visit him? For you have made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honour. You made him to have dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet” [Ps 8:3-6].
David understood this truth from reading and meditating on the law [a command to Israel’s kings] where the following is stated: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion [radah, reign, rule] over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth” [Gen 1:26] “… and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” In Verse 28, they were also instructed to subdue [kabash, conquer, subjugate] the earth.
That is man’s assignment. But what was the underlying reason for man’s creation and that assignment? What motivated God to engage in the creation of the universe, the spirit-domain and then create frail man ultimately to RULE OVER EVERTHING, SPIRITUAL AND MATERIAL? What WAS and REMAINS the ultimate driving force behind such a creative motive? The driving force, the supreme motive, the REASON, the WHY of God’s existence, as manifested in His creation, is embedded in the essence of His Being. He created the universe because of what He IS.
WHAT IS GOD? GOD IS LOVE! [1 John 4:8].
Thus, in the final analysis, the reason God exists is because of love. And, God loves to love! And that love motivated Him to create the universe. And to finally create man who is to ultimately rule the universe under His and Christ’s supreme Godhood. That is love personified. Meditate deeply and at length on that reality. David was awed by the concept [Ps 19], and John marvelled at this love [1 John 3:1]. Imagine, God makes a dusty replica of himself and freely gives him the supreme gift of life, sonship, kingship, and priestly office to co-rule the universe with his only begotten son, Christ!
Few of the multiple billions who ever lived since creation, ever understood this GREAT MYSTERY! Man was created with creation in mind. Man was made to rule over the “made”. First, as part of the “made”, man must be tested; undergo a character building trial period, i.e., grow in the grace and knowledge, faith, obedience, righteousness and the love of God. The reason for that earthly character building trial period is because God does not create perfect character by fiat. Character must be developed within morally free beings. Developing God-character with the assisting inner power of the spirit of God enables man to rule himself and his own environment. Man must righteously rule the “made”, of which he himself is part, before he can rule others and the cosmos. God must test willingness of heart; submission to His rule and laws; the right attitude—and, above all, the reciprocal LOVE of each individual towards Him, Christ, and fellow humans. Then, should the first elected humans succeed in overcoming [Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 26] the kingdom rulership is granted to them to assist others to become reconciled to the Eternal Father through Christ, to develop Godly character and become part of the ever-expanding God-family into future eternity [Is 9:6-7].
This Godly love is unfathomable. No human can fully grasp the awesome love-impetus that existed eternally within the Ever-Living Creator that resulted in making man for the purpose of ultimately giving man responsibility and rulership over His entire cosmic “makings”!
Listen what Yehovah, the Eternal Creator, says through His apostles: “Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he promised to them that love him?” [James 2:5] There must be reciprocal love! God will not grant eternal rule to people who hate Him and his laws. Ministers who teach and practice antinomianism [Mar 5:19] will not be granted kingdom rule due to their hate towards the law. People who carry hate towards others in their hearts; who are intent on damaging other people’s lives and possessions; who lie, cheat, steal, and kill will never enter eternity! Those revoltingly gruesome characteristics are satanically spawned, nurtured and birthed. Such people have Satan as their father. Christ made it plain to the Pharisees [and their modern offspring who espouse their corrupt and deceptive teachings]: “You are of your father the devil!” who was a murderer and a liar from the beginning [John 8:44]. Can the offspring of Satan dwell with the offspring of the Eternal?
It was Paul, the so-called “apostle of grace”, that made it very plain that LAWBREAKERS WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM! Notice 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 from the New King James Version (enhancements bracketed and emphasis added):
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites
[“nor male prostitutes, or (those who) practice homosexuality” (New Living Translation)
“nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts” (Berean Study Bible)
“nor those who make women of themselves, nor who abuse themselves with men” (Darby)
“nor boy prostitutes (catamites, pederasts), nor sodomites” (New American Bible)]
nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom… ”
Preachers who teach that the LAW of God—the Ten Commandments, NOT NINE as per the Protestants and Reformers who by subterfuge, deviousness, deception, and doctrinal duplicity “eliminate” the fourth [Sabbath] commandment! —yes, those preachers who teach the law of God has been abrogated, repealed, revoked, rescinded, annulled, or nullified have surely personally sealed their eternal damnation already!
God will not “rapture” into his kingdom a billion “confessing Christians” who revere the antinomianist teachings of the churchian ministries. If Christ had to learn obedience—compliance and submission to the law—by the things he suffered [Heb. 5:8] are we, his immortal future brothers –or by another metaphor, his eternal bride—not also to learn OBEDIENCE TO THE LAW OF LOVE, the Ten Commandments? [1 John 5:3]
Notice 1 John 3:1-4: “Behold, what manner of love the Father bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God ... Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that has this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure. Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.”
The whole purpose of temporal physical existence is to weed out the recalcitrant, the rebels, the fearmongering, savagely heartless, self-enriching abusers of vulnerable humanity: the societal gangster-politicians and murderous cabal intent on ravaging earth and humanity. [Christ comes, inter alia, to destroy them! (Rev 11:18)]
Everything and everybody that could possibly “defile”—morally pollute—His Kingdom He will totally annihilate. This annihilation is a final step in the process of manifested love. Christ is preparing the earth as an eternal abode for the father [1 Cor 15:24]; and He is not going to present the Father with a polluted planet filled with filthy-minded and foul-acting people!
“And there shall in no wise enter … [the Kingdom] anything that defiles, neither whatsoever works abomination, or makes a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life” [Rev 21:27].
The kingdom must be kept pure by those who wish to be pure. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is [morally] filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still” [Rev 22:11].

God will grant opportunity unto salvation unto all men of all nations in their “times appointed”, and “every man in his own [time] order” [tagma, in succession as God predetermined it] [1 Cor 15:23].
Those called in this era before the coming of Christ, become the firstfruits, and in Christ THEY BECOME “Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise” [Gal 3:28-29]. And “if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together” [Rom 8:16-17].
Christ’s suffering and perfect obedience to the immutable moral laws—the Ten Commandments and its interrelated and applicative judgments and statutes detailed throughout Scripture—resulted in His perfect holiness. Our moral purity is due to our total cleansing by the blood of Christ. Which, ideally, is maintained by our obedience to the law of love [Mk 12:33]. Should we fail (sin) in the process of our sanctifying faith-obedience, forgiveness is available [1 Jn 1:7-10].
Maintaining MORAL PURITY—sanctification--is the result of OBEDIENCE, which is the manifestation of our LOVE of and for God. That is the fulfilment of the REASON for God’s existence. That’s WHY He exists ... to bring many unto righteousness by the justifying sacrifice of Christ; a sacrifice demonstrating the supreme love act which will eternally permeate the infinite universe! This sacrificial, life offering act of love displays the very NATURE of God. The essence of His divine BEING is to bring many unto righteousness—unto EVERLASTING LIFE! [Is 3:11.]
Within churchian circles the concept of being children of God is well understood; God being our Father. But the greater truth that being children we are also joint heirs of Christ of the universe seem to be too preposterous an idea to promote within the minds and hearts of those of “little faith”.
If you were told that a forgotten great-grandfather had left you one quadrillion dollars [the British and German quadrillion—I followed by 24 zeros; not the American quadrillion, 1 followed by 15 zeros!] ... one quadrillion dollar inheritance, what would your response be? Would you be able to comprehend that inheritance? Would you give thanks? Would you sing praises? Would you love in return? But all he asks of you is to love him…that means to obey his instructions, love His son and accept the process of salvation offered to you to be granted everlasting life so you can enjoy some of your inheritance. And if that should run out [you being a big spender!] there are cosmic loads more available!!
This entire MASTERLY MIRACLE-MAKING MYSTERY is neatly encapsulated in 1 John 4. The creation is love generated! It is too glorious a theme to cover in a few words on another page or two. We will attend to that in the next Blog. In the meantime, why not read the first epistle of John and focus on chapters 3 and 4. The love of God, the reason for His ETERNAL existence, the GREAT WHY of his Being, will, hopefully permeate your mind and inspire you to respond to His unfathomable love! The love that is the inner core of His Being; the love that is His reason for creating the universe—and you!