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God Exists - But WHY? Part 2

In PART ONE we explored the reason for Yehovah’s existence. We know the Eternal God exists. His existence is not in question by right thinking, logical, sane minded people. But, WHY He exists is somewhat obscure in Scripture. In Part One we set out to establish, in a broad sense, the Why of His Being—the reason for His existence.

What motivates the Eternal God? We concluded that He is motivated by LOVE. Love motivated Him to create intelligent beings to share his glory, his eternality, and spiritual treasures with Him and His UNIQUE SON, Yeshua HaMeshiach, commonly called Jesus Christ by the Hellenized churchian community who effectively, but dishonourably, decoupled themselves from the Tanak—the old covenant scriptures.

This decoupling process resulted in the forfeiture of much spiritual understanding, specifically regarding the responsibilities incumbent upon true believers and children of faith who would be inspired to obey their spiritual Father—their life-giving Creator, provider and sustainer. This obedience to His eternal LAWS manifests true love towards and for the Eternal. “This is the love of God that we keep His commandments” [1 John 5:3].

This love relationship is rooted reciprocally in His love for His called and chosen children. “We love Him because He first loved US” [1 John 4:19].

The love of the Eternal God is demonstrated in His creation of MAN whom He knew would sin and thus fail of the great God-goal envisioned for him—having set man in a decaying world with an evil antagonist ready to deceive and mislead man into the abyss of sin, corruption and eternal death.

But for the sake of this man—Adam and his progeny—He sent His divine and UNIQUE SON—the one who would have no like or equal; being a highly unusual Person, being extraordinary and the only one of His kind—to earth, willing to sacrifice His life to rescue man from the wicked, sin-grip of the adversary, Satan. [John 3:16-17.] This was done so that His grand plan of creating millions of ETERNAL LIVING SONS for Himself—brothers to-be of Christ—could be brought forth.

Observe the remarkable extent to which the Eternal loving Father went to ensure the success of His divine purpose—fulfilling the purpose of His existence—the reason for His existence—the great WHY of his existence.

To succeed in His love-engendered purpose He had to create a matrix within which man could function effectively—physically, mentally, spiritually and morally—to ultimately “succeed”—that is, to bring about—develop—a product acceptable to the Master Potter [Is 64:8; Ro 9:21]. To achieve that He first had to create the universe and place the earth in its exact orbit for human life to exist, to function efficiently and effectively, intelligently, and morally acceptable, to have an opportunity to link in to the mind and Spirit of Yehovah God. Every opportunity was established to allow man the opportunity to eventually—within a specific TIME ORDER(*)—be called, selected and elected to become, like Christ, also an ETERNAL SON of the living God!

This is a remarkable mystery! This material universe—the totality of it! —has been created with one objective in mind, to fulfil the love motif of God the Father! It is an expression of His incomprehensible love towards His man-creation that he would invest so much time [of which He has eternity!], energy and power [as if it could have exhausted Him at all!], to create a material matrix within which He could place physical mankind to eventually become His own spiritual children [Ro 8:16-21].

For this reason, when the PLAN OF MAN’S ETERNAL SALVATION is completed at the conclusion of the assigned aeons, and all men who accepted Christ as Saviour [Joh 3:17] are delivered from the corrupting influence of the flesh, being changed into immortal spirit beings, the material universe will be “folded up” like a worn out garment, discarded, “thrown away”.

The psalmist of old exclaimed this astounding truth: “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish [be destroyed], but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed (discarded, vanish)” [Ps 102:25-26].

After this discarding of the old universe—after the future cosmic collapse—the redeemed of mankind [all then recomposed into spirit beings!] will live eternally with the Father and Christ in a reconstructed universe completely remade, refashioned and remodelled to suit a completely SPIRITUAL God-species.

There will be no need for a material universe because there will not be any material beings left—all intelligent life will be spiritual. Thus, the universe within which such former flesh and blood human beings, changed into spirit beings, will function best, most happily, and eternally, will be spiritual. Just as this material universe suited our material existence best, so the future spiritual universe will suit our spiritual existence best.

This mystery, as stated before, is somewhat obscured in Scripture because it is revealed in but a few scriptures.

Note, firstly, 2 Peter 3:10-12: Inthe day of the Lord ... the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. ... all these things shall be dissolved... the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat...”

To paraphrase the truth of the Psalmist: the earth and the heavens shall be destroyed ... this material universe shall “wax old” -- wear out, decay -- God will abolish it; it shall be discarded and vanish! [Ps 102:25-26].

Paul in Romans 8 expounds this love-phenomenon, i.e., that the Eternal Creator, the Father of Love—who lives for love, is motivated by love—engaged in the “expense” to invest in a material universe “factory” to serve as a creative base for His Consummate Beings, His Perfect, Flawless, Complete, and Supreme Beings in the universe—made after the image and likeness of Himself and Christ, as he intended from the beginning of creation [Gen 1:26]. Even though now flawed in flesh, failing in flesh, falling in flesh—man is the only thinking, rational being that can be imbued with the holy spirit of the Father to become “Born Again” as an Eternal Being—like unto the Father and like unto Christ. For, “we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” [1 John 3:2].

Paul explains in Romans 8:18-23: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of all of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was made subject to vanity [futility], not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, 21 Because the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption [decay] into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body [change into spirit beings]. “

There is no other reason for the Eternal God to have made man and his domain—the earth and the universe, ultimately to be destroyed, totally! —other than to create an environment for generating His future family.

He loves to give, to share—but He will share and love only reciprocally. He will share His future, eternal, spiritually recreated universe wherein dwells only righteousness [2 Pet 3:13], only with those who will love Him in return. That, after all, IS the great commandment—LOVE OF AND FOR THE Eternal Father [Mt 22:37 ff.].

Righteousness, as we now know is the keeping of His commandments which is reduced to two simple laws: “Yout shall love the Lord your God with all thy heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as your self” [Luke 10:27].

But this profoundly simple truth has context.

IN LOVING GOD WHO FIRST LOVED US [1 John 4:19], we manifest through obedience to His law, our desire to, in a future perfect spiritual universe, fill the universe ourselves with the driving force of God’s existence—love! Love was, love is, and love will ever be His leitmotif: the reason, the WHY, of HIS HOLY EXISTENCE.

Driven by love—the core of His being—He created the universe to have a cosmic cathedral within which He could create you into an eternal son in a new and reconstructed spiritual universe. But before you can inherit that spiritual eternal universe you must demonstrate your willingness to live as one that loves what He loves—His character, His law, His family. That can only happen through His UNIQUE SON, THAT ALREADY FIRST BORN SON, Yeshua, the Messiah, the Christ to come, the Saviour of all people from all nations.

He is willing for all men to be saved [1 Tim 2:4 and 2 Pet 3:9]. Are you willing?

(*) This subject will be more comprehensively addressed under the forthcoming Blog on The Mystery of the Four Resurrections.


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