The Pygmy, The Queen and The Christ
The Pygmy lived circa 1000 AD. His abode was in the dank and dark deep of the Ituri rain forest in Congolese Africa. He was black. Short. Thin legged and bloat-bellied which he carried with remarkable alacrity and ease through the jungle undergrowth along well traversed animal pathways.
As a member of the Tikki-Tikki tribe he was of average height—no more than about 120 cm [48 inches]. The warm tropical environment allowed him and his clansmen to roam comfortably as semi-naked hunter-gatherers. Forest foliage furnished bedding on bare earth.
This day he and his kinfolk squatted around a hardwood fire in front of their composite stick, leaf and mud huts, grilling one of their forest delicacies—tortoise in the shell! The main course was supplemented with forest fruits and roots.
It’s the way their predecessors lived a 1000 years before and the way their progeny will live a 1000 years later. Life was good. They were content.
To the north-east, below Lake Rudolph on the Nile, dwelt another branch of the Pygmies. They were known to Greek explorers and historians who were responsible for the cognomen Pygmy, derived from the Greek noun pygmē, meaning a forearm cubit, or a measure from elbow to clenched fist, to indicate the shortness of the Pygmy people.
THE PYGMY-life was simple, easy, uncomplicated—some will call it primitive. But the richness of the jungle forest sufficed their modest and unrefined needs. They survived according to their desire comfortably and freely off the earth—without violating the earth.
The Queen lived circa 1000 BC—two thousand years earlier than our Pygmy. Contrastingly, she was sophisticated. Her kingdom had accumulated great wealth. She was clothed in cotton and silk, woven fabrics and satin; bejeweled with artistically designed refinements of gold, silver, ivory, diamonds and ruby. Her palace reflected the glory and wealth of her powerful kingdom.
Her tall, erect posture, regal bearing and measured gait, demanded respect and submission. Her sumptuous table betokened the finest foods earth could produce. No scavenging for jungle turtles! Bedding was duck-down-soft with intricately carved elephant tusks as crowning for her head-board.
The Queen was the world-renowned Queen of Sheba.
A touch of artistic liberty is employed in reference to her because in an ironic historic twist more can be known about our unnamed, unknown, archetypical Pygmy than can be known about this refined aristocrat and indisputably great monarch, so sumptuously, extravagantly and royally hosted by the world’s first trillionaire, Solomon. Like the Pygmy in our tale, she, too, remains nameless. [How fragile fortune and fame!]
Various nations lay claim to her fame and formidable appearance on the world scene. But despite being the theme of some of the most extensive and fruitful of legends in the Middle East and Africa; and notwithstanding Arabian, Ethiopian, and Nigerian(!) claims, folklore and fables; and despite recent historic consensus indicating she was Semitic and came from the distant eastern reaches of South East Arabia with Marib as Capital, about 2000 kilometres from Jerusalem, we will accept as more reliable the testimony of Flavius Josephus who lived 2000 years closer to the event than modern “scholars”.
Josephus had, besides the inspired Old Testament scriptures, access to the vast classical historic records and writings in the world’s then cultural capitol, Rome—including the complete Temple library which Titus brought from Jerusalem in 70 AD. Josephus’ testimony therefore seems more credible than that of any speculative postulations of modern Bible-denying scholars and history re-engineers.
THE QUEEN’S visit to King Solomon in Jerusalem was accompanied by a vast retinue and camels, loaded with gold and spices.
“And when the Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of Yehovah, she came to prove him with hard questions. And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices, and very much gold, and precious stones…” [1Ki 10:1-2].
The “very great train” would have included an army to protect the great wealth she brought with her.
Some historians dispute the existence of the Queen of Sheba [National Geographic, September 2018, p.45, referenced in Wikipedia article: Queen of Sheba]. This academic denial—true to form in circles of “higher learning” (but lower logic, having subjected their scholarship to the shameful, fallacious, and reprehensible Darwinian world view!)—is designed to cast doubt on the authenticity and accuracy and inspiration of the Bible.
But, then came …
The Christ lived 2000 years ago. Upon entering the scene of world history he settles the historic existence of the Queen of Sheba. Historically he straddles the mid-point between The Pygmy (1000 AD) and The Queen (1000 BC).
The Christ—the Messiah, the Anointed of the Eternal—is the one who exposes modern scholarship as a lie. He declared openly that the Queen of Sheba existed as a real person. He said she will be resurrected and condemn the people of His generation.
No matter how “scholarly” a manufactured fable may be; irrespective of its academic parlance and notwithstanding its capped-and-gowned recognition [peer acceptance]—a fable retains its mythical roots—it remains a falsehood! An intellectual lie.
And, an intellectual lie cannot be resurrected into the form of a human being. Christ, by stating that The Queen will be resurrected as a real person with critical faculties capable of thought, reasoning, and judicial determination--judging--declared the Queen of Sheba to be a genuine historic personage, contemporaneous with King Solomon as quoted from 1 Kings 10 above.
Christ revealed (Matthew 12:41): “The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment [Greek: krisei: decision; a tribunal; when the tribunal will consider the right and wrong and motives of a person’s actions] with this generation, and shall condemn it [judge against it; judge it worthy of punishment]: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.”
Because Christ, the “greater than Jonah” was heard but rejected by the unrepentant religious leaders, the Scribes and Pharisees (verse 38), who influenced that generation to reject Christ, they will be condemned by the tribunal that will sit at the end-time or last judgement. The Ninevites and the Queen will all concur with--judge as right!--Christ’s final sentencing to eternal damnation that generation and their religious leaders.
Since all judgment is given by the Father to Christ [John 5:22], He will administer that judgment period with the assistance of the first-fruit saints [Rev 5:10; 20:4]. By the end of that judgment period—the great white throne judgment--everybody who has ever lived would have been judged and their eternal lot determined and set for eternity.
Let’s continue with Christ’s statement in Matthew 12:42:
“The Queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it…” [She judges and condemns it in concurrence with Christ and his administration, that the judgment against them is just and that they deserve to be condemned, eternally. It is the same principle involved as in Rev 16:7 when an angel declares, “True and righteous are thy judgements.” In like manner the Queen confirms the righteous judgment of Christ. WHY?] “... for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the Wisdom of Solomon [as per 1 Ki 10, and 2 Chron 9]; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here [whose wisdom you rejected!]” [Mat 12:41-42; see also Luke 10:14 about Tyre and Sidon being resurrected with “this generation” (Christ's generation) and the Queen of Sheba.]
As the cities of Nineveh, Tyre and Sidon were genuine historic cities, occupied by real people, IN LIKE MANNER the “Queen of the South” [Sheba] was a real historic figure!
If the “scholars” who promote the “non-existence” of the Queen of Sheba can disprove the existence of ancient Nineveh or Tyre or Sidon [all three of which have been discovered and excavated by archaeologists!] then they might have some grounds to disregard the existence of The Queen and succeed in their absurdly futile quest to “prove” Christ a liar!
However, quite contrary to the scholarly deceits, the Queen of Sheba--along with those long-ago dead Gentile peoples spanning many generations--will be made alive again and have functional mental and judgmental capacities in their resurrected state to fulfil Christ’s statement of judging His wicked religious contemporary “generation”.
At this point the Christological teaching demands that we bring The Pygmy onto the stage. In Christ’s teaching about the judgment, spanning all generations up to his time, we discover a divine confluence of the three personages: The Pygmy, The Queen and The Christ.

Please understand, Christ did not mention The Pygmy. But salvific logic demands that we include him—and millions of others—in the divine plan of human salvation.
The logic is as follows: If the gentiles, living in said three cities, are to be resurrected to be in the “judgment day”—a hundred year period, as we shall soon see, not a 24-hour day—then, God, being fair, must also give all future generations the same opportunity to be in “the [same] judgment”.
He must, by virtue of being a just and an “equal opportunity” God, grant all people the exact same opportunity to salvation. THE PYGMY TOO!
Christ REVEALED a remarkable truth—totally lost on the mass of Churchianity—that there is coming a “judgment” period in which generations from Solomon’s time (1000 BC) and people from the time of Christ (c 30 AD), and the generations in between [as those from the time of Nineveh (c 840-825 BC), and Tyre and Sidon (destroyed by Alexander the Great in 332 BC)]—will all be raised from the dead in the same general resurrection. This resurrection period is called the “judgment”, which, as declared in Revelation 20:11, will take place at the time of the “great white throne”.
THIS GENERAL JUDGMENT PERIOD is not damnation to hell.
TO RESTATE THE MATTER: It is a period of time in which all people who have ever lived but have never had an opportunity to hear the truth of Christ, and the truth about Christ, and his salvific work on behalf of all humanity—His sin-forgiving death and eternal-life-giving resurrection (Ro 5:10)—will be resurrected to hear the gospel message in full power, with absolute clarity, by true, incorruptible, spirit-born preachers and teachers.
THE Queen never heard the truth about Christ and his redemptive work on behalf of all people of all ages on earth. Neither had The Pygmy.
Neither has the people who lived during their time, or before, or afterwards!
This judgment period FOLLOWS the Messianic Millennial Kingdom. During that period everybody who lives then [the “Remnant” survivors of the great tribulation holocaust soon to strike this earth—if it has not already begun with Covid!]—and all their generations to follow in the 1000 year reign of Christ, will have a full and untrammelled opportunity unto salvation.
This truth concept could appear to be radical as it may be incomprehensible. The reason is quite clear: by and large denominations are generally ignorant of this truth and thus unable to teacThe bible reveals that generally the clergy of Churchianity are money-greedy, dumb, blind, ignorant, lazy, uncaring shepherds, looking after number one as a life-philosophy.
“His watchmen [the ministers] are [spiritually] blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough [check the internet to see the vast number of multi-millionaires within Churchian ministries—the Pope included!], and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own … gain…” [Isa 56:10-11]. [By their own admission they confess the Old Testament scriptures apply to them and the Church, otherwise why retain it in their bibles? So this is fair use of Isaiah 56.]
The judgment day of the resurrected humans will seemingly be administered over a 100-year period according to Is 65:17-25. Take particular note of verse 20 which indicate that the life-span of those living in the millennium will be 100 years. Thus, is it not logical that those who are raised after the millennium [Rev 20:12-13] will also have a hundred year life-span during the judgment which Christ says will take place when he is seated on the “great white throne”?
Rev 20:11-12 reads: “And I saw a great white throne … And I saw the dead [all those who died never having received an opportunity to salvation], small and great [rich and poor, famous and infamous], stand [therefore resurrected] before God; and the books were opened … and the dead [now resurrected, according to Rev 20:5a] were judged out of those things which were written in the books…” [God, being fair, will judge all people out of the same books—the bible. He uses the same standard for everybody.]
How does he judge them during the great white throne period? “… according to their works [that is the works which they will produce after their resurrection, during their resurrected life-span of 100 years.]
Again: All those people who have never had the chance to accept Christ and receive salvation, are resurrected into the final judgment period to accept the opportunity unto salvation and experience the Eternal’s desire to see every HUMAN BEING WHO EVER LIVED BE SAVED! (1 Tim 2:4).
That’s the judgement period Christ referred to when he mentioned the Queen of Sheba, the deceased people of Nineveh, Tyre, and Sidon and the people of his generation in one breath. And that’s the judgement period in which The Pygmy, who lived in utter ignorance of the Eternal’s great and wonderful plan of salvation, will “rise up” out of his overgrown jungle grave to eventually “stand” before the great white throne of Christ to be judged by the "works" he will produce during that judgment period. He, like all the other ignorant billions who lived without the light and truth of the scriptures, will be taught the truth—the scriptures—and be judged [assessed, evaluated, tried, and tested] according to their works; their obedience to the laws of God; the laws of love—the Ten Commandments [I John 5:3].
At the end of this testing period—the last judgment, which is the last period in which any humans will be given opportunity to salvation—a final verdict is rendered based on people’s performance—their “works”—to determine their eternal lot. This is when the Queen of Sheba will “condemn” [Greek: katakrino: “judge against”] the people of Christ’s day.
That’s the final judgment—not a damnation, but a testing of the once dead but then resurrected humans to equip them for eternal life. Or, if they choose to reject God’s mercy, to then be damned to eternal death!
SINCE MOST PEOPLE will not be able to make it during THIS devil-controlled world, GOD in His DIVINE MERCY provided this last OPPORTUNITY UNTO SALVATION for the masses of humanity who lived and died ‘unsaved” before the millennium. He knows when to pick people unto salvation. He picks them when they have the greatest chance to be saved!
That’s the end of the salvation story.
That’s the end, when we can all say with THE PYGMY: