Understanding the Sabbath (Part 1)
The following comments are based upon the transcript of Dr. John MacArthur’s sermon, ironically titled, “Understanding the Sabbath” [See John MacArthur Sermons on You Tube].
Dr. MacArthur, for those not familiar with him, publishes the MacArthur Study Bible. He pastors a mega-church in California and appears regularly on the public media. He recently boldly defied the California State by conducting church meetings during the CORONA-19 pandemic.
We use his sermon on “Understanding the Sabbath” not as a basis to condemn, criticize, or demean a man of ability and service, but to demonstrate the utter lack of understanding prevalent within the broader churchian community who espouse centuries-old arguments inherited from revered reformers and theologically egotistical belligerents.
MacArthur's theological underpinnings and the arguments he proffers harks back to the historic early “reformers” and "protesters". These arguments used by televangelist and commentators, seminarians and scholars, have been preserved and promoted for centuries in the writings of all antinomianists [anti:against+nomos:law] -- ministers who deeply despise the laws of God, essentially to provide themselves with excuses for breaking those laws!
We could as easily have used the confused expositions of any number of other ministers. They all use the same arguments and the same texts, whilst cross referencing each other for support. However, MacArthur’s sermon happened across my laptop and, curious to see if such a renowned scholar and expositor as Dr. MacArthur offered any brighter insights on “understanding the Sabbath”, I listened to his sermon.
Having examined the content of his sermons for “understanding the Sabbath” I found myself enmeshed in a tangle of scriptural misinformation, expository horrors, presumptive self-exalting declarations, and lack of understanding! But, that MacArthur was novel in his pontifications is not to be denied. We’ll examine some of his daring denouncements and extraordinary statements.
After reading the Decalogue, MacArthur pronounces this astoundingly unsubstantiated absurdity: “Those [referring to the 10 commandments] are all moral mandates, moral commands, with the exception of verses 8 through 11, the fourth command regarding the Sabbath.” [Author’s emphasis throughout unless otherwise stated.]
The MacArthurian fiat and logical absurdity aside, MacArthur provides no scriptural proof for separating from the divinely determined, cohesively interconnected text of the Ten Commandments the fourth command. He provides no explanation or scriptural justification for pontifically proclaiming that nine commandments are MORAL, EXCEPT ONE! The exception command, according to the learned Doctor of Reformed Theology [Calvinist], is the fourth command, the Sabbath command.
Presumably MacArthur does not agree with the Westminster Confession which states: "As it is the law of nature that, in general, a due proportion of time be set apart for the worship of God; so in his Word by a positive MORAL, AND PERPETUAL COMMANDMENT BINDING ALL MEN IN ALL AGES, HE HATH PARTICULARLY APPOINTED ONE DAY IN SEVEN FOR A SABBATH, TO BE KEPT HOLY UNTO HIM..." [Westminster Confession, Ch 21 ('Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day', Section 7-8. (Emphasis added.)] According to this official doctrinal standard of Presbyterianism (Reformed Theology), which is a theological consensus of international Calvinism, the time set aside for worship is MORAL! Maybe the brave Doctor should reexamine his theological foundations?
It is mind-boggling to contemplate the temerity and arrogance of some puny, insignificant individual to declare to the Almighty God of the universe that one of His holy commandments is NOT MORAL! But then, Popes and Reformers alike have engaged in such fearless boldness. Surely there must be some defect attitudinally, spiritually, in logical reasoning and biblical understanding, to prescribe to the Eternal that one of His ten commandments is NOT MORAL! Or is it just simple religious arrogance?
MacArthur further pontificates: “There is no question about the other [nine] commandments being permanent and binding.” In fact, following MacArthur’s argument to its absurd conclusion one may logically deduce that keeping the Sabbath might even be immoral! To emphasize the point: If, according to MacArthur, the Sabbath is not moral then by implication he has determined that this great law of the Eternal God is AMORAL, if not IMMORAL! In other words, this COMMAND OF THE ETERNAL has no moral value!

MacArthur thus, with presumptive, papal-like authority, proclaims the fourth commandment – the Sabbath – as “not moral, not permanent and not binding”!
Ironically, MacArthur courageously declares the Papacy as heretical and anti-Christian because of various papal declarations, Bulls, Mary-worship, ad nauseam. Yet MacArthur himself, as does his theological progenitor, Calvin, submit to the very Roman Catholic Church and Papacy which they abhor and condemn by submitting themselves to Sunday observance, a day formally instituted in the historic church by Rome!
The smell of their 'Geneva tulip’ does not camouflage the decayed rotting odor of the multiple deceitful and error- ridden doctrines and defective dogmas they happily adopted out of historic Catholic theological corruption, with a few Babylonian Mysteries added to boot! [This matter will be addressed in future blogs.]
MacArthur – moulded in the theological image of his scriptural master Calvin – essentially revokes the Sabbath Law by personal pontifical decree, declaring it a non-moral command. Like all Papal Bulls his edict reeks as the seal of fake authenticity melts in the furnace of Scripture!
On what scriptural basis does MacArthur determine that the Sabbath is not moral? And how would MacArthur, scripturally, define his allegation of “not moral”?
In truth, it does not matter what MacArthur’s definition of “moral” or “not moral” might be, what matters is the Eternal’s scripturally revealed definition of moral correctness, and moral law.
It would be utter futility to continue countering such an absolute absurdity – yea, if it be not a blasphemy! But to provide fair insight into the irrational reasoning process and his complete disregard of the holy writ, we will present a few more bizarre and incongruously meaningless declarations and reasoning processes antinomians, like MacArthur, utilize to blind the minds of the unsuspecting.
[This serves as a classic example of how ministers become spiritually blinded as a consequence of rejecting God’s law. People who reject the Eternal’s law become nonsensical, futile and injudicious in their spiritual judgments, irrespective of their high level of learning, or IQ. Scripture teaches, “A good (spiritual) understanding have all they that do (keep, obey) His commandments.” This declaration is preceded by another significant truth: “The fear of Yehovah is the beginning of (spiritual) wisdom” (Ps111:10). According to this verse, those who reject the laws of the Eternal and thus do not obey Him lack spiritual understanding and wisdom.
Unscrupulous biblical exegeses constitute willful suppression of scriptural truth. The unscriptural explanations of these texts are rooted in the historical exegetical deceptions and traditions of their “reformed” predecessors. These teachers simply regurgitate the swill they have been fed by their seminary professors and have in many cases never engaged in independent research to establish “if these things be so” (Acts 17:11). Paul warns about such suppressive tactics, or ignorance: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold (withhold or suppress) the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom 1:18).]
Upon examining the issue of moral correctness we discover some fascinating truths. Moral correctness, or morality, is defined, inter alia, as pertaining to the distinction between right and wrong; it has to do with the rules [laws] of right conduct [Shorter Oxford Dictionary]. The Sabbath rule or law requires that man rests from labor in order to honor the Creator. That law constitutes right conduct towards the Creator, and fellowman. It therefore constitutes a basis for moral correctness. It is a rule of right conduct before the Eternal. Therefore, the Sabbath is a moral law.
MacArthur’s baseless presumptive pontifications are irrelevant. Is the Sabbath, by scriptural definition moral, or not moral?
The question for MacArthur is simple: If God makes a law, does it pertain to the distinction between right and wrong? When God told Adam and Eve, don’t eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, was there an intrinsic right and wrong within the command? By virtue of the penalty associated with disobedience – that is, eating of that tree – there clearly is an intrinsic right and wrong embedded in the command. Consequential to their disobedience all of humanity became subject to the death penalty associated with them breaking that law. They disobeyed and death followed! That law had spiritual moral value and force.
Dr. MacArthur declares: “All the other ten [sic]” are moral laws. Adultery, idolatry, lying, stealing, et al. But, God forbid, not the fourth command, the Sabbath! [MacArthur’s arithmetic is as faulty as his theology.]
We ask: What separates one command from the other nine [not ten, his arithmetic fails him several times!] as being moral or not? Thus, scripturally considered, we must find rules or laws which define what is scripturally moral – not what MacArthur by clamorous insistence and invincible ignorance irreverently declares as “not moral”.
We further ask: Is the worship of the Eternal God moral or not? Is the keeping of God’s laws righteous or not? If so, then the Sabbath, being part of God’s laws, is also moral and righteous as far as the Eternal is concerned – MacArthur’s misinterpretation, by personal deception through vain traditions and human opinion, notwithstanding! The Sabbath is moral and righteous by virtue of it being totally integrated with the worship of the Eternal.
In Ezekiel 44:24 the Sabbath is given exactly the same status and moral value as all the other moral laws [Hebr.: Torah]. In Ezekiel 22:26 the Eternal states that He is treated like a prostitute by those who defiled the Sabbath. Does that render the Sabbath moral, and righteous, or not? In Ezekiel 22:8 Yehovah states that His Sabbaths [plural] were “profaned” [Hebrew: Chalal], that is, to make it unholy, to dissolve it, to make it void or to terminate it!
That is precisely what MacArthur and the Protestant cabal have done. They declared the holy Sabbath of God unholy. They by some authority [presumably from Calvin and the multitudinous Reformed Councils] dissolved, terminated and declared void the Sabbath!
Ezekiel 20:16 “They...polluted [chalal] my Sabbaths: for their heart went after their idols.” It is quite clear that to terminate the Sabbath day is directly linked to idolatry! Why? Because it’s placing another god above the true God and replacing His laws with different laws. For instance, turning Sunday into a day of worship instead of observing the Sabbath day, dishonors the God who created the Sabbath day.
Of course, the Churchians argue that the Sabbath applies to ancient Israel and not to new covenant Christians. That, being anticipated, is counteracted by Christ who declared in Mat 5:17-19: “I am not come to destroy the law..." [Gr.: kataluo, demolish, dissolve, bring to nought, or overturn, (the law)], but to fulfil [Gr.: pleroo, verify, complete, fully preach, perfect it (spiritually)]. "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled [pleroo]. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven.” (No matter how great they were here on earth!)
All of Churchianity defy Christ by teachings which seek to place Christ under Papal, Protestant, Reformed, and Pentecostal doctrinal delusions. They attempt to make Christ out to be the spoiler, the dissolver, and the terminator of the laws which He Himself put in place for humanity from creation! [Not only from Sinai.]
To continue with MacArthur: “The question that is often posed is a simple one. If all the other commands are permanent, is not this one permanent, as well?” [03:31 on transcript]. “God designates", he says, "this seventh day as an exalted day, a day lifted above all other days. And God makes it holy, and declares it to be so...” [07:37-51 on transcript].
Yet, despite this admission, MacArthur insists, “There's no Sabbath law given here for Adam, none at all. Nothing is said about this day being a day of worship. It doesn't say anything about that. It doesn't prescribe anything for anyone. It is isolated completely to God.” [12:52-13:05 on transcript]. “[E]very seventh day is a reminder of the power and the glory of God... [E]every seventh day provides for us a reminder that God is the Creator who created in six days the entire universe. Saturday [no Dr MacArthur, the Sabbath day!] is a perpetual witness to God as Creator.” [14:44-16:36 on transcript].
MacArthur comments further [17:07-17:27]: “Hundreds of years have passed. Patriarchs have come and gone. None of them worshiped, as far as we know, on the Sabbath.” This is an absurdity of note!
Did the patriarchs worship the Eternal? Yes! Thus, as far as MacArthur knows, they worshipped the Eternal every day, except Sabbaths!? The logic is outrageously irrational and light years beyond unreasonable.
MacArthur misleads by implying uncertainty. Clearly he doesn’t know far enough! Yet he dogmatizes and generalizes himself into a vulgar erroneous conclusion by stating: “It [the Sabbath] was not prescribed for them. It was not mandated for them; not [for] Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and the rest of the people of God.”
Really, Dr MacArthur! How deceptive of you so stop with Joseph. Who are "the rest of the people of God"? Are they not the offspring of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and two tribes from Joseph? Are "the rest of the people of God" therefor not the Israelites? And was the Sabbath not mandated -- commanded -- to the Israelites "the rest of the people of God" in the decalogue via Moses on Mt Sinai?
“As far as we know” implies “we [that is MacArthur and presumably the rest of his dogmatizing Calvinistic cronies] don’t know". And if they don't know they cannot assert anything with certainty. Dr MacArthur, as a learned man, should know that a case cannot be proven by uncertainty and the absence of evidence! To validate an assertion it must be proven, factually and evidentially, beyond reasonable doubt. Yet, MacArthur seeks to establish a case on lack of evidence and in the face of God Himself who provides ample evidence that the patriarchs observed His laws--including the sabbath!
The Eternal testifies to the fact that Abraham observed His laws! And since, according to Christ, the Sabbath was made for man and it was made on the seventh day of creation week it is clear that Abraham, as obedient to God’s instructions and laws, kept the Sabbath. So, God himself states that Abraham kept his laws, and His law would include the Sabbath!
Notice the clear and direct declaration from the Eternal: “Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws [Heb.: Torah]” [Gen 26:5]. Therefore, since the Sabbath is part of the Torah Abraham kept the Sabbath day. [The Levitical ceremonies were not instituted yet therefor the sabbath is not a ceremonial law--it is a moral law, even as MacArthur's own Westminster Confession declares. ]
The Eternal revealed to Moses that Abraham kept the Torah. The Torah is the first five books of Moses. Now the prevaricators, the Churchian charlatans, the fudgers, the forgers, fabricators of falsehoods, the textual fiddlers, the dissemblers and quibblers will, quite cleverly, aver that the Torah was not written until Moses wrote it about 430 years after Abraham lived, so how could Abraham have kept the Torah?
Because Torah was not written in stone until 430 years after Abraham does not mean the LAW, the Ten Commandments, did not exist! Cain murdered Abel. it was sin, breaking the sixth command. Joseph and the gentile King Abimelech knew adultery [the seventh command] was sin. Rachel stole Laban’s household idols. Breaking two commandments. Abraham and Isaac lied about their wives.
The law was known and kept by holy people centuries before it was formally codified at Mt Sinai; and the Eternal declared to Moses that Abraham kept His law. Dare any be so bold as to declare that the Sabbath--made for man from creation week!--did not feature in the lives of the holy patriarchs? Let's use elementary logic: Christ said, the sabbath was made for man. Abraham was a man. Therefor the sabbath was made for Abraham [and Isaac, and Jacob, and all their offspring].
Thus, since the Eternal unequivocally states that Abraham kept His law, the Ten Commandments, then Moses certainly would not quibble with the Almighty about whether Abraham kept the Sabbath! Imagine how stupidly stubborn and rebellious Moses would have been after God told him to record in Genesis 26:5 that “Abraham...kept my...laws” and then Moses debated with God whether Abraham kept the Sabbath when Moses clearly understood that the law included the Sabbath! Moses would have been fired on the spot!
If Abraham did not keep the Sabbath, then to be correct and truthful – and God is always correct and truthful – then the Eternal should have instructed Moses to write: “Abraham kept my laws [Torah] -- except the Sabbath.” In that way the Eternal would have satisfied MacArthur and others of the Sabbath-hating ilk – which means the entirety of Churchianity!
Apparently it is not sufficient for the antinomian and anti-Sabbatarian brotherhood of conspirators and deceivers that the Eternal declares Abraham an obedient Torah keeper, inclusive of the Sabbath. God's word is not sufficient proof for them. Pity them!
Abraham’s offspring, Isaac and Jacob were law-keepers too. We can assert quite dogmatically that that was the case. They knew the Torah laws and kept them – however imperfectly – for the Eternal stated categorically the following about Abraham and his offspring: “I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of Yehovah to do justice [Heb.: tsedaqah, that which is right]: and judgment...” [Gen 18:19].
To return to MacArthur’s YouTube sermon. At 18:17-18:19 he states: “This is very important... that we understand that the Sabbath was not instituted for man in Genesis.” In the face of what Christ said, we ask by what logical and scriptural process is it possible to declare that the Sabbath was “not instituted for man in Genesis”?
One cannot but stand in absolute perplexed wonderment at this sensational theological exposition proceeding from MacArthur, directly and unabashedly challenging Christ who clearly stated that the Sabbath was made [instituted] for man [Mark 2:27] and that it was instituted for man in Genesis, at creation [Gen 2:1-3]. (See also our post “The Sabbath is not Jewish nor Mosaic”.)
Truly, not many wise men after the intellect are called [cf. 1 Cor 1:26].
But one does not have to be of the wise of this world to understand the truth of the Sabbath day. It requires a humble submission to the word of the Eternal and a willingness to submit to Christ’s teachings – a willingness to repent of old errors and accept revelation from the Father through the Spirit and the Word. That comes only after the spirit within man has been awakened to the truth through a divine calling from the Father [John 6: 44, 65]. The calling is a holy spirit gift from the Father. Human intellect and doctoral research cannot awaken it! [John 16:13]
Are the antnomianist and anti-sabbatarian ministers God-called or self-appointed? Only He shall judge. In the meantime it behooves each one of us to search the scriptures daily. With the guidance of the holy spirit we will be able to prove whether these things be so or not [Acts 17:11]. And, upon holy-spirit-guided-search we shall discover whether they speak according to Yehovah’s word or not, and know whether there is light – truth – in them or not [Is. 8:20].